Democratic Republic of the Congo: Conference on Fiscal Reform

Posted by Ian Lienert

A conference on budget reforms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was organized in Kinshasa on October 3 and 4, 2011 by the Committee for Public Finance Reform(COREF).[1] Over 150 persons took part, including provincial ministers of budget or finance, and representatives of the central ministries (Planning, Budget and Finance) and sectoral ministries, as well as the National Assembly and the Senate. The (national) Minister of Budget opened the conference.

At the conclusion of the discussions, the participants validated a prioritized approach to public finance reform. The first priority is to restore the credibility of the annual budget law. The provincial representatives emphasized the need to implement the 2006 Constitution, particularly the provisions on the allocation of 40 percent of national revenues to the provinces.


Given the weaknesses that continue to plague public finance management and the challenges of decentralization, the government took the decision to overhaul the entire public finance management system in the context of the Public Finance Reform Strategy Plan (PSRFP) adopted in March 2010. The aim of this strategy is to modernize the public finance system on the basis of good international practices.

Some reforms have been undertaken over the past few years, including a new revenue and expenditure classification, unification of the budget, which now includes both operating and capital expenditures, improvement of the budget preparation process, clearer procedures and a computerized process for expenditure execution, a computerized payroll system, which is intended to be the only basis for the remuneration of civil servants, the adoption of a new public procurement code, and the establishment of a system for the production of budget tracking statements.

In July 2011, a new public finance law (LOFIP) was enacted. This law is divided into five sections:  (1) general provisions; (2) provisions regarding the budget laws of the central government; (2) provisions regarding provincial budget decrees and the budgetary decisions of the decentralized territorial entities (ETDs); and (5) relations between the central government, provinces and ETDs. COREF has been tasked with preparing a draft timetable for implementation of the LOFIP so as to ensure that the LOFIP innovations are understood by all stakeholders, both at the central level and in the provinces, as soon as possible.

Purpose of the conference

The main aim of the seminar was to share experiences and encourage discussion of the various issues raised by the LOFIP’s provisions. The innovations introduced by the new law should, in time, transform budgetary practices in the DRC by introducing a culture of performance in public management. This new approach requires a radical change in current practices[2] and gradual implementation.

The conference provided the DRC with an opportunity to learn about the constraints that faced other countries as they managed their budget reforms. The experiences of those countries should help the DRC better handle the challenges of the reform. At the same time, the discussions aimed to identify the key aspects of the budget reforms and to develop a sustainable approach.

Conference program

The first day of the conference consisted of two sessions during which the lessons learned from the experiences of the OECD countries and French-speaking African countries were reviewed. The second day was devoted to the specific implications of these lessons for the reform approach planned in the DRC.

In his opening remarks, His Excellency, the Minister of Budget noted the participation of various international delegations and participants from the 11 provinces (Bandundu, Bas Congo, Province Orientale, Sud Kivu, Nord Kivu, Maniema, Equateur, Kasaï Oriental, Kasaï Occidental, Katanga and Kinshasa). The conference program, which is attached, lists the foreign and Congolese delegates.

Session 1:  International comparisons:  the OECD countries

The OECD countries:

For these countries, the following points should be noted:

Sweden and France: 

Performance budgeting was introduced in Sweden in the 1980s (while France did not introduce program budgeting until 2006). The Swedish experience shows (for the “programs” of government agencies), the difficulties involved in:

For these reasons, Sweden is moving away from performance budgeting, although performance information is still used for evaluating programs and activities.

Session 2:  Budget reforms in French-speaking African countries and post-conflict countries

The main weaknesses identified in the French-speaking African countries can be summarized as follows:

Public finance management reform in post-conflict countries:

Session 3:  Budget reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Planned reforms:

Difficulties encountered until now (by the Ministry of Budget)

The challenges of budget reform in the DRC (viewpoint of a member of the National Assembly)

The following issues must be dealt with:

Session 4:  Summary of the discussion:  Lessons for the DRC

Lessons from the presentation and discussion on the “advanced” countries

Lessons from the presentation and discussion on the French-speaking African countries

It is important to:

The experience of other post-conflict countries:

Implications for the DRC


The major challenges in this approach to prioritization are:  (1) to what extent should the preparatory stages for the Platform 2 and 3 actions begin now; (2) are the indicative dates (2013, 2014, 2015, etc.) realistic? The experience of other countries shows that reforms can be accelerated or slowed depending on human and physical capacities and resources and, especially, the ownership (or lack thereof) of the reforms by the political authorities.

Next steps 

COREF plans to post all of the conference presentations (in French) on the websites of the Ministry of Budget Ministry of Budget and the Ministry of Finance.

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[1]COREF=Comité d’Orientation de la Réforme des Finances Publliques. The French authorities (Coopération Française) financed the conference jointly with the Congolese government.

[2] On August 14, 2011, the Head of State called for a reduction in exorbitant expenses, usually taking place outside official channels, i.e., outside the normal public expenditure process.

[3] Slide No. 10 of the Summing Up (attached) shows that the DRC’s annual budget is one of the least credible of all of the African countries.

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