New GIFT Guide on Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development

If you ever wished for a single place where you could find a comprehensive, up-to-date compilation of tools, practices, methods, tips, and resources on fiscal transparency, consider your wish granted – it’s finally here, and freely available to you!

We are launching our new Guide on Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development, a key point of reference, perfect for public financial management and fiscal system reform advocates and practitioners looking for practical and sound information on how to enhance fiscal transparency for development.


While there is clearly no shortage of published material on fiscal transparency, oftentimes it can be both daunting and confusing to navigate through the sheer volume of valuable yet scattered information out there. Where does one begin looking? Our attempt at addressing these challenges has led us to develop this latest publication.

What’s inside the Guide?

Following the successful launch of the Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development online course, funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) put together a Guide that offers information on all the key elements of fiscal transparency for development under a single cover. The Guide includes international norms and standards unpacked by experts, as well as practical case studies and individual perspectives that have not been documented before.

Over five modules, the Guide takes readers through a range of issues critical to establishing fiscal transparency as part of good governance. Specifically, it covers what fiscal transparency means, why it is important, who are the key actors, best practice norms and standards, and how transparency should be measured.  

The Guide also provides numerous links to organizations and additional reference documents. Readers are encouraged to bookmark these sites to come back and take a deeper dive into them whenever needed.

Purpose of the Guide

Drawing from the diversity of the GIFT network, the Guide provides opportunities for peer learning drawing on numerous examples of the concrete steps countries have taken to successfully improve transparency. As good fiscal transparency involves not only governments but also other key actors in the fiscal ecosystem, we recommend this Guide to key officials and technical teams from ministries of finance and line-ministries, civil society organizations, parliamentary finance committees, supreme audit institutions and donor representatives. Members of the public will benefit from it too.

With the presentation of information in a comprehensive yet easy to digest format, the Guide offers practical and useful guidance for anyone who wants to learn more about how fiscal transparency can lead to better development outcomes.

Advancing fiscal transparency for development is truly a global effort, and we encourage everyone to get involved!

Download your free copy here today!

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