Capacity Development Work by the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department

Capacity development (CD) – including technical assistance and training - is at the core of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department’s (FAD) work. For over 50 years, FAD has supported fiscal institution building across the Fund’s membership by offering timely, practical, and tailored CD based on a demand-driven model.

FAD’s Capacity Development brochure presents a concise overview of FAD’s CD work. It features: the approach and tools FAD applies from design to implementation of CD support; the recipients of FAD CD; FAD’s specialized and diverse staff who deliver CD from headquarters and the field; the global partners in building fiscal capacity; and how FAD CD has responded to the COVID-19 crisis. The brochure also highlights FAD’s work in the five main areas of CD support - Public Financial Management; Revenue Administration; Tax Policy; Expenditure Policy; and Macro-Fiscal Policies and Frameworks. Finally, it refers to publications that draw on FAD’s CD advice and cross-country policy work.

The brochure explains how FAD helps countries shape public finances that support sustainable and inclusive growth through an agile, integrated, country-oriented, and results-focused approach to CD support. FAD’s expertise comes from a diverse workforce with significant experience in building fiscal institutions in many countries. Over the past year, FAD has provided technical advice and training to over 150 countries across all regions and income levels, with support from a range of donors and in close partnership with other CD providers.


Capacity development (CD) – including technical assistance and training - is at the core of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department’s (FAD) work.
Torben Hansen , Division Chief of the Resource and Information Management Division of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD)