IMF Fiscal Monitor

Posted by PFM Blog Administrator

A recent blog post by Vitor Gaspar [1] and Luc Eyraud [2] of the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department on the IMFdirect Blog highlights the findings in the April 2016 edition of the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor and the  growing fiscal challenges many economies are facing today. The article outlines three major challenges: avoiding the low growth-low inflation trap, addressing the big and lasting drop in revenues, and achieving development goals with constrained budgetary resources. It discusses medium-term fiscal objectives and the importance of policy makers acting both individually and in concert with each other.

[1] Vitor Gaspar is Director of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department

[2] Luc Eyraud is Deputy Division Chief of the Fiscal Policy Division in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department.

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