Job Offer: Head of PEFA Secretariat (World Bank Job #120119)

Posted by the PEFA Secretariat

Background/General Description

PEFA is a partnership program that commenced in December 2001, with the aim to assess the condition of country public financial management systems and develop a practical sequence for reform and capacity-building actions.  It has successfully seen a decade of increasing international recognition. The PEFA Secretariat is responsible to the Steering Committee  for preparing and implementing the PEFA work plan. The Secretariat is located in and formally administered by the World Bank in Washington, DC.

The PEFA partners are planning to extend the PEFA program by five years starting July 2012. During this phase (Phase IV) the program will continue its current core activities and user services.. The next phase will see substantive revisions to strengthen the PEFA performance measurement framework and to broaden the overarching governance arrangements, in particular through formal consultations with a wider group of stakeholders such as partner countries and donors. These measures are designed to ensure that the PEFA framework and its overarching governance arrangements remain relevant, and consolidates more than 10 years of progress.

During the first phase of the PEFA program, a group of staff from the World Bank, IMF and the PEFA Secretariat, overseen by the PEFA Steering Committee, developed ‘the Strengthened Approach to supporting PFM reform’ and ‘the PFM Performance Measurement Framework’. The Strengthened Approach incorporates country-led reform, donor alignment and harmonization, and common monitoring of results. The PFM Performance Measurement Framework is the tool developed to support common assessment and monitoring of PFM performance, and incorporates a set of PFM performance indicators and a performance report.  Further information on the Strengthened Approach and Framework are available at The Framework was approved for release by the PEFA Steering Committee in June 2005. During the subsequent phases II and III, the PEFA Secretariat has disseminated knowledge, provided training on the Framework, has supported country applications and quality assurance as well as monitored the applications of the Framework which have so far included more than 125 countries.

Current members are the World Bank, the European Commission, the UK Department for International Development, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the International Monetary Fund.

Duties and Accountabilities

The Head of the PEFA Secretariat will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the PEFA program activities and resources, and for being a primary source of knowledge and advice to the PEFA partners about the oversight and management of the PEFA framework. This is a leadership position. The Head of Secretariat is an ex-officio, non-voting member of and secretary to the Steering Committee. S/he prepares and presents on all issues concerning planning and implementation of the program for Steering Committee discussion and decision. Between meetings of the Steering Committee the Head of Secretariat liaises on an ‘as needed’ basis with the PEFA partners.

The Head of Secretariat is answerable to the World Bank’s Director for Public Sector Governance through the Sector Manager of PRMPS on all issues concerning administration of the program – including issues concerning relationships between the PEFA Secretariat and the World Bank.

The detailed responsibilities of the Head – supported by the Secretariat core staff -include:

(i) Coordinating and liaising with relevant partners, including:
•  Preparing for and presenting to the PEFA Steering Committee meetings.
•  Managing the Secretariat/World Bank relationship on a day-to-day basis (involving working in close collaboration with the representatives of PRMPS, OPCFM and OPCPR units).
•  Advising, coordinating and liaising with the PEFA partners on an as needed basis.
•  Coordinating and consulting with and presenting to the Public Financial Management group under the, post-Busan, International Aid Effectiveness Agenda.
•  Coordinating the sharing of information between PEFA partners including on planned applications of the Framework.
•  Broadening ownership of the PEFA framework by reaching out beyond the PEFA partners to a variety of stakeholders §for technical feedback, monitoring, promotion of usage and harmonization with other tools, especially other international development agencies, government officials of actually and potentially participating countries (closely coordinating with the lead donor agency), private sector assessors and training institutions, civil society organizations and research institutions.

(ii) Managing and leading the technical work of the PEFA Secretariat, including:
•  Providing the global central reference point regarding interpretation of the PFM Performance Measurement Framework and guidance on its use.
•  Advising the development of guidance tools related to the application and further development of the framework.
•  Undertaking timely technical quality reviews of planned and draft applications of the PFM Performance Measurement Framework, on a demand basis from PEFA partners as well as other institutions.
•  Implementing the plan of activities previously approved by the Steering Committee including informing the SC on the status of implementation of agreed plan.
•  Preparing annual and other periodic reports for the SC
•  Proposing revisions to the Framework, on the basis of review and consultation.

(iii) Managing the PEFA Secretariat, including:
•  Managing the PEFA Secretariat staff, funds and consultants. The Secretariat currently has seven core staff members, including the Head, as well as three associated short-term consultants working remotely.
•  Coordination of the secretariat’s activities and deciding the allocation of tasks to staff members in consultation with the staff.
•  Ensuring that the all relevant World Bank procedures, including those regarding trust funds, any other funds, contracting, procurement and administration, are adhered to.
•  The Head of Secretariat will be the Task Team Leader (TTL) for the PEFA trust fund, assuming that the Head is eligible according to the World Bank’s rules concerning conflict-of-interest, appointment type and accreditation for that function. Otherwise the World Bank will appoint an eligible staff member as trust fund TTL.

Selection Criteria

Master Degree or equivalent in economics, accountancy or other relevant field with sustained record of achieving high-quality substantive results over an extended period (typically at least 10 years). 
•  Well established and recognized expertise in public financial management, including knowledge across the breadth of PFM issues, and specialist knowledge in at least one area, demonstrated through a record in assessing and supporting PFM reforms and capacity development in developing countries, working with partner governments.
•  Demonstrated team leader and task management skills, including in administrative and budget management.
•  Excellent diplomacy, coordination, liaison, interpersonal and team working skills. Ability to work with multiple stakeholders, and to respond flexibly to challenges.
•  Excellent analytical, drafting and presentational skills.
•  Familiarity with the international aid effectiveness agenda, including knowledge of the PFM dimensions of aid management from the donor perspective.
•  Experience of working in diverse environments.
•  Fluency in English is required. Ability to work in French, Spanish or any other UN languages would also be an advantage.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background.  Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.  All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please visit for further information and to apply for Job #120119. Closing date: February 8, 2012.

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