Hurrah: PFM Blog is Celebrating its Third Anniversary Today

Posted by Michel Lazare

Hurrah, it is our third anniversary today: PFM Blog was unveiled to the public on October 5, 2007.

More than 500 posts and nearly half a million pages viewed later, our baby is clearly a success and is still growing at a very healthy pace (our traffic at the end of September was one third above last year's level).

Looking back at our initial objectives, as set in the inaugural post by the then Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department, Teresa Ter-Minassian, we are clearly on the road to achieving all of them.

Great many thanks to our numerous readers, to all our regular and occasional authors, and to our blogmasters' team who have made the PFM Blog what it is today: a reference website for all those interested in public financial management.

Long live PFM Blog!