African Development Governance Strategy — AfDB Request for Comments

Have your say! African Development Bank’s draft Governance Strategic Direction for 2008-2010

Posted by Carlos Santiso, AfDB

Dear colleagues,

As you may be aware, the African Development Bank is developing Strategic Directions to guide its support to the efforts of regional member countries in 2008-2010 to strengthen governance and promote integrity in the management of public resources, with a focus on promoting good economic and financial governance at the country, sector and regional levels while paying special attention to fragile states and the management of natural resources, with a strategic deployment of its panoply of instruments. The Bank considers these pillars as key levers for pro-poor change, citizen empowerment and government accountability.

In the spirit of openness, transparency and participation, the Bank is conducting a public consultation until 15 January 2008 on the draft governance orientations paper, which was shared with the African Development Fund’s Deputies in Bamako, Mali, in September 2007. The document, in French and English, is available through the Bank’s website. Internal and external stakeholders are cordially invited to comment and submit suggestions via e-mail (send to The submissions can be in English or French. Your input and involvement are important, as we work to finalising these orientations and its action plan in the first half of 2008.

Have your say !

Dr. Carlos Santiso

Manager, Governance Division (OSGE 1)

African Development Bank