The PFM Blog was founded in 2008 by Michel Lazare and Bill Dorotinsky. The purpose of the Blog is to disseminate information and views on PFM topics as seen from the IMF. The contribution of articles from experts outside the IMF, however, is also strongly encouraged. The articles represent the views of the authors themselves, and not necessarily the views and opinions of the IMF, its Board of Directors or the governments they represent.
The Public Financial Management Blog (PFM Blog) is managed by the two Public Financial Management Divisions of the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department. The Divisions' main task is to assist IMF member countries in enhancing performance of their public financial management systems in the following areas: macro-fiscal forecasting and policy, budget preparation, budget execution and financial controls, accounting and treasury management, fiscal reporting, internal and external audit, cash and debt management, public financial management, fiscal transparency and other topics related to budgeting and public finance. The IMF staff expertise extends from basic PFM issues to the more sophisticated PFM topics such as performance and output-oriented budgeting, accrual accounting, medium-term expenditure frameworks, assessment of fiscal risks, etc.
The PFM blog aims to share IMF expertise and experience in PFM and related topics and contribute to understanding and improved PFM outcomes. It also highlights new Web sites, articles and books that public finance practitioners and other readers might find useful, and provide informed comments on news and developments in the PFM field. Articles by contributors outside the IMF are welcome.