Welcome to the Newcomer on the...Blog: CBO Director's Blog

  • Peterorszag Posted by Michel Lazare

We are delighted to announce that the Director of the US Congressional Budget Office, Peter Orszag, has created a blog : CBO Director’s Blog

Here is what Peter Orszag has to say about his blog's content:

What are you likely to read on this blog? First, you will learn more about CBO — the types of work we do, how we do it, and more about the outstanding analysts we have. For example, when we come out with a new report or important cost estimate, I may write a bit about the analytical substance and also introduce you to the key staff who took the lead in the analysis. Second, CBO’s research and cost estimates are often discussed extensively in the media and elsewhere — and not surprisingly, from time to time misunderstandings or misinterpretations arise about some analysis we have done. In those kinds of situations, I will use the blog to further explain our work and address possible or potential misunderstanding. Finally, when it seems appropriate, I will use the blog to link our work to relevant outside research from academic or other institutions that may shed additional light on the challenging issues the Congress is working to address.

Here is a selection of the blog's first posts:

Long life to the CBO Director's Blog!